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September 23 - International Sign Language Day: History and Traditions

On International Sign Language Day, buildings will be illuminated in blue color
Фото: Global Look Press/Frank Molter
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September 23 is International Sign Language Day, which is the main form of communication with the outside world for millions of deaf and hard of hearing people. In 2024, the date falls on a Monday. "Izvestia" tells about the history of the emergence of the holiday and what events are timed to this day.

International Day of Sign Language - 2024: the history of the holiday

The commemorative date (International Day of Sign Languages) was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in December 2017 to emphasize the role of sign languages in the realization of the rights and freedoms of people with hearing disabilities.

There are currently more than 70 million deaf people living in the world, most of them in developing countries. Collectively, they use more than 300 different sign languages, which in some countries have the status of State languages.

The proposal to proclaim an international day came from the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD), whose activities are aimed at preserving sign languages and protecting the rights of the deaf. Today the organization unites more than 130 national associations of deaf people all over the world.

The date of the celebration was chosen as the day when the federation was founded in 1951. For the first time, the celebrations timed to this event were held on September 23, 2018 as part of the International Week of the Deaf. Since then, they have been held annually.

International Sign Language Day 2024: this year's theme

Each year, International Sign Language Day is dedicated to a theme. The theme for 2024 is "Stand up for the rights of sign languages".

Organizers call for support for it in their country's national sign language to better implement the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Governments are also encouraged to illuminate public places and administrative buildings in blue on the day to show support for national sign languages and solidarity with the global Deaf community.

International Sign Language Day 2024: Events

Every year, thematic events are held in different countries to celebrate the important role of sign languages in quality education, communication and self-actualization of Deaf people. A number of topics are devoted to the problems faced by such citizens in everyday life, as well as their achievements in science, creativity, sports and other spheres of activity.

Public platforms organize seminars, art exhibitions, film festivals and job fairs for special applicants. For example, one of the most striking events in Moscow is the Festival of Sign Language, which takes place in the capital's parks. During the event, Muscovites can not only familiarize themselves with sign language, but also master some of it.

In a number of cities, excursions to museums that take place in sign language are available. For example, in St. Petersburg people with hearing impairment can visit the Hermitage, the Russian Museum and other cultural venues. This year the celebrations will be timed to the 120th anniversary of the St. Petersburg Society of the Deaf.

Similar events are held in other cities of Russia, where in total about 13 million deaf and hard of hearing people live.

Earlier "Izvestia" told about the International Day of the Deaf, which is celebrated on the last Sunday of September.

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