A cargo ship that drifted away got stuck in the ice on the Neva River

The cargo ship Svetly-22, which broke away from the berth and drifted, got stuck in the ice on the Neva River in the Leningrad region. On Wednesday, March 20, Natalia Orlova, senior assistant to the North-Western Transport Prosecutor, told Izvestia.
"It has been previously established that the cargo ship broke away from the berth in the Leningrad region. The ship is drifting in an icy environment," she said.
Supervisory measures will be carried out, during which an assessment will be given to those responsible for the technical condition of the vessel and compliance with parking rules, Orlova said. She added that the situation is under the control of the prosecutor's office.
On March 19, it became known about the dry cargo ship that drifted into the Neva River in the Leningrad Region. Rescue services were sent to the scene. In addition, the Leningrad-Finnish Transport Prosecutor's Office is conducting an audit of the implementation of legislation on the safety of navigation.
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