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Teachers suggested introducing the concept of "overtime"

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A teacher's teaching load of more than 18 hours per week or the work of social pedagogues and educators over 36 hours should be paid as overtime. A letter with such a proposal was sent to the Ministry of Education by the trade union "Teacher".

The reason for the document is the end of public discussion of draft orders of the Ministry of Education. One of them is "On the duration of working time of pedagogical workers". Teachers believe that the draft document will have a negative impact on the education system, "fixing the existing absolutely discriminatory system of remuneration of pedagogical workers," or will lead to cuts in teachers' salaries.

Teachers on average now work on 1.5-2 rates, reminded "Izvestia" deputy chairman of the All-Russian Trade Union of Education Mikhail Avdeenko.

"There are two well-known reasons for this - small salaries, because of which people choose their workload to get at least something. And the second reason is the shortage of teachers, because people, even those who have just graduated from pedagogical universities, do not go for such salaries. As a result, teachers work for absent subject teachers," he said.

But another deputy chairman of the organization, Tatyana Kupriyanova, was skeptical of the proposal to pay overtime as overtime.

"I think that there is no such norm, and there will not be. The legislation does not refer the work of pedagogical workers during the whole school year due to staff shortage to overtime work. Overtime pay is there only for extreme cases. We should not look for additional ways to solve the problem of decent pay for teachers," she said.

According to Kupriyanova, it is necessary to raise labor guarantees at the federal level, in the form of wage rates, so that people go to schools.

Irina Abankina, a professor at the Institute of Education at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, also called the proposal for overtime pay for the number of lessons over the required 18 hours controversial. According to her, it will encourage teachers to take more hours, regardless of quality, which will lead to overload and burnout.

Read more in the exclusive material "Izvestia":

Work not ox: teachers ask to pay overtime as overtime labor

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