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Prosecutor's office asks court to ban ProZdorovye newspaper and Zdravomed website in Russia

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The Moscow City Prosecutor's Office has filed a lawsuit with the court demanding that the information posted in the free newspaper ProZdorovye and the online store Zdravomed be recognized as prohibited in Russia. This happened after a joint investigation by Izvestia and the Antikontrafakt Association.

"ProZdorovye" and "Zdravomed" have been advertising and selling herbal nutritional supplements and concentrates for preparing soft drinks to pensioners under the guise of medicines for a number of years. In the newspaper (it was distributed to mailboxes) they are advertised by fictitious doctors and patients. At the same time, the markup on some drugs was as high as 4,200 percent, Izvestia calculated.

The prosecutor's office conducted an inspection and concluded that the advertising of the drugs was distributed "with a deviation from the requirements of the law," according to the response of the supervisory agency to State Duma deputy Artur Taymazov, a member of the board of trustees of Antikontrafakt.

In the course of the inspection, the prosecutors found that individual entrepreneur Sergei Scherbukha was behind the advertising of additives. It follows from the document signed by Marina Volskaya, head of the department for supervision over observance of the rights and freedoms of citizens of the Moscow prosecutor's office, that Shcherbukha has long been under the control of supervisory agencies. In particular, in 2024 he was checked by the antimonopoly service.

"In the course of the inspection (UFAS) revealed the fact of unlawful distribution of IP Scherbukha S.G. advertising of goods for cosmetic, medical and hygienic purposes. In order to stop unlawful activities Scherbukha S.G. was issued a prescription, which has not been fulfilled," - stated in the response.

Read more in the exclusive material "Izvestia":

Reverse treatment: the prosecutor's office demands to close the publication that passes off dietary supplements as medicines

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