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The media told of US concerns over deepening ties between Russia, China, DPRK and Iran

Bloomberg: US very concerned about deepening ties between Russia, China, DPRK and Iran
Фото: Global Look Press/Guenter Fischer
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TheUnited States is seriously concerned about deepening ties between Russia, China, North Korea and Iran. Bloomberg reported on September 22 that.

"The United States and its allies are increasingly concerned about the speed and intensity with which these countries are deepening ties to challenge American dominance, on a collision course with some of the most sweeping sanctions the West has ever imposed," the agency said.

The article stated that such developments amid Washington's foreign policy failures call into question US leadership on the world stage.

"U.S. influence is waning, and fast. There are rising powers that want to assert themselves more in the multilateral space - from China to others - and the Global South increasingly has a voice," Martin Kimani, Kenya's former ambassador to the UN and director of the Center for International Cooperation at New York University, told the agency.

Also worrying the West is the rapid growth of BRICS, with more countries applying to join the group, which openly calls for an alternative center of global influence, including rivals to the US dollar's dominance.

"Countries outside the orbit of the US and its rivals are seeing this new node of power emerge. It probably contributes to their staying between both poles, contributing to multipolarity in the world," said Nadia Shudlow, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute.

Earlier, on September 17, the head of the US energy company Chevron Mike Wirth condemned the oil and gas policy of US President Joe Biden's administration. He said that Washington's current course leads to rising energy prices and undermines the energy security of the country's allies.

On September 12, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that 34 countries have already expressed their desire to join the BRICS community in one form or another. Prior to that, on September 5, Putin reminded at the plenary session of the IX Eastern Economic Forum (WEF-2024) that the dollar became an accepted world currency after World War II, and now the U.S. is taking sloppy and foolish actions, such as banning Russia from making payments in dollars. Washington's steps, according to the head of state, are leading the world to dedollarization and accelerating the process.

In June, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that the U.S. course to retain hegemony is doomed to failure, although in the short term it is likely to remain one of the world centers. The minister recalled that in world history, the desire of any state to establish global hegemony has invariably had tragic consequences for that state, its patrons, and the rest of the world.

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