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Sergey Sobyanin spoke about the work of the "Moscow Pre-University"

Photo: Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin's personal blog
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More than 10 years ago, the "Moscow Pre-University" began its work in the capital, where more than 7,300 Moscow high school students are currently studying. Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin told about the work of the preuniversity in his blog.

"For the guys it is an opportunity already at school to become part of the university of their dreams. For the universities themselves - an opportunity to attract motivated and well-prepared applicants, as well as additional prospects for professional growth of teachers. For the city - a good tool to improve the quality of education", - said the mayor of the capital.

The project "Moscow preuniversity" helps the capital's schoolchildren to receive additional education on the basis of the capital's leading universities After studying, more than 85% of preuniversity graduates enter higher education institutions in the specialties in which they were trained. Today 15 Moscow partner universities participate in the project "Moscow Pre-University". Every Moscow schoolboy can participate in the project. Some universities accept students after 7th grade, some - from 8-9 or 10-11 grades. In the course of training, high school students use university laboratories and equipment, and are taught, among other things, by teachers from the university chosen by the students. In this way, high school students have the opportunity to prepare for higher education programs.

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