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A lawyer explained the nuances of self-dealing loans

Lawyer Haminsky: self-limiting loans may not work with marketplaces
Photo: Izvestia/Eduard Kornienko
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On March 1, a law will come into effect, under which Russians will be able to set a self-limit on the issuance of loans. Lawyer, head of the Law Enforcement Center in Moscow and Moscow region Alexander Khaminsky told Izvestia on February 9 about the nuances of such a measure.

"The self-prohibition on issuing loans specified in the law applies only if a citizen concludes a consumer loan agreement with banks and microfinance organizations (MFOs). At the same time, in many cases, this option does not require the buyer to conclude any special loan agreements with banks, it is enough to press one button and the goods will be sold in installments. The buyer does not even think about what legal relations and with whom he enters into," he said.

Thus, agreeing to buy goods in installments, the buyer may not know about the consequences of late payments, the possibility and amount of penalties. The interlocutor of the publication stressed that when making installments, it is necessary to pay attention to what documents are signed. On some marketplaces the installment service is a loan from the legal point of view, and on others it is not. That is, everything depends on the specific conditions of the site, and the self-prohibition on loans may not work everywhere.

Earlier, on January 23, the deputy speaker of the State Duma Vladislav Davankov from the party "New People" proposed to the head of the Ministry of Economic Development Maxim Reshetnikov to legally oblige marketplaces to introduce the function of setting a self-limit for citizens to purchase goods or setting a monthly monetary limit.

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