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The Ministry of Transport has begun preparations for certification of unmanned vehicles

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The Russian Ministry of Transport has prepared draft amendments to the "concept of ensuring road safety with the participation of unmanned vehicles on the roads". It clarifies the approach to the classification of autonomous vehicles - highly automated vehicles (HAVS) - which is necessary to start their certification, Kommersant reports.

"The experience gained, together with the study of international practice, makes it possible to update the classification of vehicle automation levels. The new version of the concept is, in fact, the foundation of requirements for the certification of VATS. As soon as the changes are approved, it will be possible to start it," the Ministry of Transport is quoted as explaining on January 29.

The actual concept was approved back in 2020. Unmanned vehicles were classified according to the SAE international standard with five levels of autonomy. For example, the first level corresponds to a modern car that has a parking assistance system or adaptive cruise control. The fifth level includes a fully autonomous car that is able to move in any conditions without a driver.

The Ministry of Transport explained that the concept was approved before the actual launch of unmanned transportation, so the document required updating. It is being amended, which are mainly technical in nature. The industry of autonomous cars is now developing under experimental-legal regimes that are approved by the government. They allow test organizers to deviate from traffic regulations. More than 50 highly automated vehicles are now operating on the roads under the EPR framework.

On September 23 last year, the Russian Ministry of Transport announced that the movement of trucks in fully unmanned mode was launched on the M-11 "Neva" highway between Moscow and St. Petersburg.

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