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The Central Bank of Russia and Moscow Exchange will launch a new stock market index

Chistyukhin: The Central Bank of Russia and Moscow Exchange plan to launch a new stock market index in 2025
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The Central Bank of Russia (CBR) and Moscow Exchange plan to launch a new stock market index in July 2025 as part of the program to create shareholder value for companies. This was announced by First Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia Vladimir Chistyukhin during the presentation of the program on January 30.

"The new index will include securities of issuers selected according to special criteria - companies will be selected according to certain financial indicators, the quality of corporate governance and the level of information transparency," - said Chistyukhin.

The index will be able to include companies that are included in the first and second level of the Moscow Exchange listing. About 15-20 participants are planning to seriously consider applying for inclusion in the new benchmark. In addition, these will be major market players from the financial and real sectors of the economy.

Acceptance of applications should last from March to June - the benchmark will be launched in July, if at least four applicants are selected to participate in the program. Their performance will be evaluated by a commission of staff from the Central Bank, MosBirch and rating agencies.

"The program is designed to naturally, without additional support measures to increase the value of shares of leading public companies," said Viktor Zhidkov, chairman of the board of Mosbirzhi.

The index will not be closed - participants must confirm their compliance with the benchmark inclusion criteria once a year. Also, participants of the program can be excluded from it if they do not meet the requirements.

The program was launched in order to fulfill the instruction of Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to which by 2030 the capitalization of the stock market should double and be at least 66% of GDP.

According to experts, this goal can be achieved not only through the growth of the number of new market participants, but also through the growth of the value of already issued shares.

Earlier, on January 29, Konstantin Borodulin, Managing Director of ratings of financial institutions of the NRA rating service, told Izvestia about the prospects of the digital ruble. According to him, the process of full-fledged implementation of the digital ruble will take some time and will require reorganization of many processes. As for clients, first of all, payments in digital rubles will be made to employees of state and budgetary institutions.

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