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20 Russian regions ended the year with price growth above 10%

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Inflation in the regions of the Russian Federation in 2024 was unevenly distributed - in 20 subjects, price growth accelerated above 10%. This follows from the Rosstat data analyzed by Izvestia.

Among such regions are Buryatia (10.53%), Altai (10.55%), Mari El (10.65%), Sevastopol (10.69%), Tambov region (10.8%), Dagestan (11.03%), Chuvashia (11.04%).

However, inflation above the national average (9.5%) was recorded in 39 regions of the country, Rosstat specified to "Izvestia".

Inflation is now one of the most alarming topics for the authorities. At an economic meeting on January 22, President Vladimir Putin called on the government to step up its efforts to combat rising prices.

One of the reasons for the inflationary disparity is the speed of wage increases. According to Svetlana Frumina, acting head of the Department of World Financial Markets and Fintech at Plekhanov Russian Economic University, increased salaries have been maintained in activities related to IT and the financial sector - employees of such companies can earn more than Br400 thousand monthly. The rapid growth of salaries and shortage of personnel accelerate inflation.

However, experts believe that the situation with inflation this year will improve in the country as a whole - price growth by the end of 2025 will be no more than 8%. As noted by independent expert Andrei Barkhota, the gap between regional inflation rates will be eliminated only after five to seven years of crisis-free development.

Read more in the exclusive material of Izvestia:

Double-digit impression: 20 regions of the Russian Federation ended the year with price growth over 10%

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