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Ruvika will have quizzes and text retelling using artificial intelligence

Photo: Izvestia/Eduard Kornienko
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Russian Internet encyclopedia "Ruviki" in 2025 will present a series of technological updates. Vladimir Medeyko, general director of the site, told about it in an interview with "" published on January 28.

So, in January in "Ruvika" appeared the opportunity to use the function of retelling with the help of artificial intelligence. Now it is planned to finalize the interface in accordance with user requests and create a convenient rubricator. Also during this year the encyclopedia plans to create quizzes, thanks to which readers will be able to test their knowledge.

Another innovation awaiting implementation is a simplified access of authors to the platform. A "workshop" with a list of articles for revision will be implemented. In addition, a new visual editor is under development, which will become more intuitive and understandable for a wide audience.

In the interview, the general director of Ruvika also named the most popular sections of the encyclopedia in the languages of the peoples of Russia except Russian. Mari, Bashkir, Tatar, Yakut and Chechen languages were in the leaders.

"For us, this is an important social area - preserving cultural heritage, ensuring access to education, and maintaining linguistic diversity. We are open for cooperation with all organizations involved in preserving the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation," Vladimir Medeyko stressed.

Last year Ruviki introduced audio format, gamification and introduced artificial intelligence. Thus, the neural network Yandex GPT gives detailed answers to user questions, relying on articles in the encyclopedia. Also in 2024, a bonus program for authors was launched, allowing them to receive ranks for participation in the work of the encyclopedia and prizes. This direction will also continue to develop.

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