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Forecasters predicted rain in Moscow at the end of the week

Hydrometeorological Center: rains in Moscow on Friday and Saturday
Фото: агентство городских новостей «Москва»/Андрей Никеричев
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Rains will come to Moscow at the end of the week - on Friday and Saturday, September 27-28. This was reported in the Hydrometeorological Center of the Russian Federation on Monday, September 23.

Specialists pointed out that the cooling with night frosts will be short-lived. The air still warms up well during the day. The approach of a vast Atlantic cyclone across the Baltic will provide the warm air outflow from the Mediterranean Sea across the Balkans, according to the Moscow city news agency .

Cloudy weather is expected on Friday and Saturday, with light rain at times. Night temperatures will be +10...+15 degrees, during the day thermometer columns will show +17...+22 degrees. The wind will be southern, its speed will be 5-10 m/s.

Frosts are still possible in the region at night. Below zero air will also cool down in Leningrad, Novgorod, Pskov, Tver, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Ivanovo, Vladimir, Ryazan, Tula, Kaluga, Smolensk, Kirov, Nizhny Novgorod regions, Karelia, Mari-El and in Bashkiria, reports

Meanwhile, in the capital region, the temperature will begin to gradually rise, writes

September 21, the head of the forecasting center "Meteo" Alexander Shuvalov said that on Wednesday, September 25, the thermometer columns in the capital will again reach +20 degrees Celsius, reports Before that, the expert said that Indian summer should not wait until October. In a conversation with NSN he explained that Indian summer is a period of good weather that comes after the first fall inclement weather, which has not yet been.

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