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West Nile fever virus found in Chelyabinsk mosquitoes

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In the town of Kusa, Chelyabinsk Region, mosquitoes with West Nile fever virus have been found. The pathogen can cause meningitis, rash and myalgia in humans.

RNA of the virus was detected in Culex modestus mosquitoes caught in Kusa, reports IA " " with reference to the press service of the National Park "Taganai". Specialists reminded about the importance of using repellents, especially during the period of the highest activity of insects. It falls on July-August.

Scientists from Volgograd studied mosquitoes while monitoring the infection of animals with the West Nile fever virus. In particular, they collected 210 blood-sucking insects of six species in the National Park. But they did not find infected mosquitoes on the territory of "Taganay".

West Nile fever is a natural focal infection, which is spread by blood-sucking mosquitoes. Ixodes, gamaze and argas ticks also take part in the circulation of the pathogen. The virus is transmitted to birds. Not only humans, but also horses are affected. Due to climate warming, the area of the pathogen has expanded. Diseases began to be registered in the Southern, North Caucasus, Central, Ural and Volga federal districts.

Earlier, on August 28, it became known that cases of infection with West Nile fever were registered in 22 regions of Russia. The risk group includes people with chronic diseases, as well as older people.

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