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Case in point: more than a hundred people have been poisoned by mushrooms since the beginning of the year

What dangers inexperienced mushroom hunters expose themselves to
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At least 114 people have been poisoned by mushrooms since the beginning of the year, and three of them have died, Izvestiya has calculated, combining data from regional offices of Rospotrebnadzor, as well as ministries and health departments of Russian regions. Rospotrebnadzor confirmed 51 cases of poisoning by poisonous mushrooms. Not only poisonous, but also edible mushrooms can cause health problems if the conditions of their preparation are violated, doctors noted.

Mushroom poisoning season

Since the beginning of the year, at least 114 people poisoned by mushrooms, "Izvestia" found out, having analyzed the data of regional departments and territorial bodies of Rospotrebnadzor. In Yekaterinburg, Saratov and Udmurtia, one fatal case was recorded each, according to official reports.

The press service of Rospotrebnadzor informed the publication that 51 cases of poisoning by poisonous mushrooms were registered in the first half of 2024.

- The largest number was registered in the Tambov and Orenburg regions, the Republic of Bashkortostan and Altai Krai, - said in the department.


According to Roslesinforg (a subordinate organization of Rosleskhoz), Siberia, the Volga region, the northwest and Primorye are considered the most mushroomy territories.

- The collection of mushrooms in the first half of 2024 increased by one and a half times, if compared to the volume of 2023 for the same period. The total volume of mushrooms collected on the lands of the forest fund by tenants already amounts to almost 57 tons," it added.

Experts of Roslesinforg specified that in almost every region of the country from the central part to Sakhalin in summer it was possible to find chanterelles, white mushrooms and podberezoviki, and in the Leningrad, Nizhny Novgorod, Ryazan, Tver, Vologda regions and Primorye - aspenberries, soils and ryzhiki. Also in Roslesinforg added that the last two types of mushrooms often grow in the Krasnoyarsk region.

Mushroom omens

Rospotrebnadzor urged not to collect mushrooms if there is doubt that they are really edible. Specialists recommended going on a "quiet hunt" in the company of an experienced mushroom hunter, "well versed in the distinctive features of poisonous and edible mushrooms".

According to Roslesinforg, the most common poisonous mushroom in Russia is the red fly agaric. Also in mixed and deciduous forests can be found various species of mecenas, which contain toxins and hallucinogens, and the most famous poisonous mushroom - pale grebe.

Experts said that there are mushrooms that masquerade as edible mushrooms. For example, the doppelganger of opiates - gallerina fringed.

- This mushroom grows all over the country: in the middle belt of Russia, in the Caucasus, Siberia and the Far East. Its toxins damage the liver and kidneys, - noted in Roslesinforg.

Rospotrebnadzor noted that the pale grebe is usually confused with mushrooms, and false opiates - with real ones.

The agency also emphasized that there are cases of poisoning by conditionally edible mushrooms, which include, for example, raincoats, umbrellas, pear, blister, svinushki and morels, due to their improper preparation - without prior soaking and heat treatment followed by draining the broth.

Rospotrebnadzor added that you can be poisoned and edible mushrooms - old, overgrown, collected in places where the land is contaminated with toxic elements, growing along roadways, railroad tracks and in the city limits.

Symptoms of poisoning

The risk of poisoning by poisonous twin mushrooms is most susceptible to children, said "Izvestia" infectious disease specialist "Invitro-Siberia" Andrey Pozdnyakov.

- The most common symptoms of mushroom poisoning from the gastrointestinal tract - vomiting, diarrhea, severe abdominal pain, impaired consciousness, jaundice of the skin. This is characteristic of poisoning with pale grebe. Also among the indicators - neurological symptomatology and convulsions," he said.

Andrey Pozdnyakov emphasized that when poisoning poisonous mushrooms should immediately call an ambulance and hospitalize the patient, even if the poisoning, conditionally, mild severity.

- For poisoning edible or conditionally edible mushrooms are characterized by vomiting and diarrhea - added the infectious disease specialist. - And still need to call an ambulance and do not self-medicate.

Rospotrebnadzor specified that mushrooms are not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, small children and people with GI diseases.

How to avoid poisoning

Experts from Roslesinforg told Izvestia that mushrooms should be collected away from roads, dumps, settlements, factories and plants, and recommended not to cut rotten, wormy, overgrown and unfamiliar mushrooms. Cut the mushroom better with a whole stem and leave in the soil contaminated part, and white mushrooms better not cut at all, and twist, as 60% of the fruit is hidden in the soil.

Before you start cooking mushrooms, they should be carefully re-cleaned and well washed from contaminants, reminded in Rospotrebnadzor.

Doctor-gastroenterologist laboratory "Gemotest" Ekaterina Kashukh reminded that edible mushrooms spoil very quickly - so, in order not to be poisoned, after collecting them should be immediately sorted, washed, cleaned, boiled and sent to the freezer or eaten.

- Depending on the type of mushrooms are boiled for different amounts of time, on average from 15 to 30 minutes, - added the expert.

She also noted that boiling, freezing or drying mushrooms actually in most species of poisonous mushrooms does not neutralize their toxicity. According to her, most poisonous mushrooms, such as the pale grebe or fly agaric, remain dangerous even after prolonged cooking. The toxins in them remain.

- You should not rely on culinary methods as a way to protect yourself, - emphasized Ekaterina Kashukh.

In Rospotrebnadzor reminded that mushrooms can also be a source of botulism, the causative agent of which in the form of spores contained mainly in the soil. They also recommended that before consuming mushrooms to carry out their repeated heat treatment.

Ekaterina Kashukh urged not to buy mushrooms on spontaneous markets.

- There is no guarantee that the mushrooms are collected by experienced mushroom hunters and in a bowl by mistake together with chanterelles did not get a poisonous specimen, - she emphasized.

In Rospotrebnadzor reminded that in order to prevent botulism and poisoning by poisonous mushrooms is strictly prohibited trade in canned home-made products in hermetically sealed containers, including mushrooms and canned mushrooms, as well as dried and cut mushrooms.

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