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Which regions have the highest salaries
Which regions of the Russian Federation to go to work in
What professions are most in demand in 2024?
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Thefastest salary offers in 2024 were growing in Bashkiria, Transbaikal Territory and Moscow, as reported to "Izvestia" in the All-Russian Research Institute of Labor of the Ministry of Labor. They explained: industrial production is actively growing in these regions. It is this sphere that is now the driver of economic growth, and they are trying to attract more specialists there. However, in absolute terms, salaries in the capital are still much higher than in other cities. But thanks to the transformation of the economy, the situation on the labor markets in different parts of Russia may even out. Whether the wage inequality in the regions will be reduced is the subject of the Izvestia article.

Which regions have the highest salaries

In VNII Labor Ministry named "Izvestia" top-5 regions with the fastest growth of salary offers in January - July 2024 compared to the same period last year. The question is about the salary that employers indicated when inviting new employees to work.

In Bashkiria, the offered salaries increased by 43% in the first seven months of 2024, which is the highest figure. The second place is occupied by the Trans-Baikal Territory (+38%). Then come Moscow, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Chukotka Autonomous Okrug - there salaries increased by more than 20%.

In all these regions, industrial production grew rapidly: only in July, the indicator increased by 3.3% compared to the same month of 2023, emphasized the All-Russian Research Institute of Labor.

The high growth of wage offers in Bashkiria and Transbaikal Territory, which overtook Moscow, is indeed associated with the active development of industry, agrees Yaroslav Kabakov, Strategy Director at Finam Investment Company. In Bashkiria, the manufacturing and construction sectors are growing - we are talking about enterprises in machine building, printing, as well as light industry, pulp and paper, medical, industry. Companies have a growing demand for qualified specialists, which means they are willing to pay them more, he explained.

In Transbaikalia, in turn, there is a need for workers to develop new projects in the mining and extractive industries, the expert added. In addition, the region has enterprises in metallurgy and machine building.

Thereduction of wage inequality is due to the regional structure of the economy, agreed Yulia Finogenova, professor of the Department of State and Municipal Finance at the Plekhanov Russian Economic University. The subjects have defense enterprises servicing state orders - thanks to this there is an increase in salaries and salary offers, as in the case of Bashkiria and Zabaikalsky Krai.

- However, the rapid increase in salary offers in these two regions is also due to the effect of a low base. In monetary terms, salaries there are still lower than in Moscow," emphasized Freedom Finance Global analyst Vladimir Chernov.

According to the most recent Rosstat data, the average salary in Bashkiria in June 2024 amounted to 66.8 thousand rubles, in the Trans-Baikal Territory - 89 thousand, and in Moscow - 156 thousand.

Which regions of the Russian Federation to go to work in

Although wages in the regions are growing faster, in absolute figures the incomes there are much lower. That is why it is less attractive to work there, continued Vladimir Chernov. But the cost of living in these subjects is also very different, especially when it comes to rent, he added.

- Therefore, when making a decision to move , specialists will take into account not only the speed of salary growth, but also the absolute level of monetary remuneration for work, the cost of living and career opportunities. Moscow is more attractive in this case," Yaroslav Kabakov believes.

The popularity of the central regions, including the capital, for employment is confirmed by the unemployment data. According to the Central Bank, in central Russia it has fallen to 1.8%, while the average figure for the Russian Federation is 2.5%. At the same time, the highest unemployment is in Siberia (2.9%) and in the south of the country (4.7%), "Izvestia" wrote earlier.

Yulia Finogenova from Plekhanov Russian Economic University believes thatan important step to reduce wage inequality is the change of the minimum wage threshold. She recalled: from January 1, 2024, it increased by 18.5%, to 19,242 rubles. Thanks to this, the wages of the part of the population that earns the least have increased all over the country. As a result, in the subjects where incomes were lower, welfare increased faster.

What professions are most in demand in 2024?

Due to the development of import substitution, there is still a high demand for professions in industry and construction in the country as a whole. According to the analytical system of monitoring the public market of vacancies and resumes, which is conducted by the All-Russian Research Institute of Labor, since the beginning of 2024 the number of vacancies for welders has been steadily growing (the number of offers has increased by 11.5 thousand since the beginning of the year), drivers (by 10 thousand), programmers (by 8 thousand). Also employers became more interested in turners, foremen and crane operators.

Thefastest increase in the number of vacancies from January to July 2024 compared to the same period last year was in Moscow - by 172 thousand (+14%), specified in the All-Russian Research Institute of Labor. In the top 5 in terms of growth of job offers were also St. Petersburg - there were 60 thousand more job offers (+11%), Moscow region (+50 thousand, or +13%), Sverdlovsk region (+42 thousand, or +17%) and Krasnodar region (+33 thousand, or +11%).

In general, the most job offers are presented in the Central and North-Western Federal Districts, and the least - in the Southern and Far Eastern Federal Districts, reported "Izvestia" in SuperJob.

- Salary offers show the highest rates of growth in those regions where there is a more acute shortage of workers, and this may be in a particular industry, - said Vladimir Chernov.

Income growth in the regions remote from the center can help reduce regional inequality - thanks to this, specialists are attracted not only to the capital, but also to less developed regions, said Yaroslav Kabakov from Finam Investment Company.

However, this is only a partial solution: still significant differences in living standards and access to infrastructure may negate efforts to raise salaries, he added. For the balanced development of regions , it is important not only to increase income, but also to improve the quality of life.

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