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No dangerous substances were found in the products seized after the family was poisoned

Фото: ИЗВЕСТИЯ/Дмитрий Коротаев
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According to the results of the inspection of food products, which were seized from the family poisoned in the village of Krasnaya Sopka in Krasnoyarsk region, no dangerous substances were found. This was reported on September 26 in the main department of the Investigative Committee (IC) of the Russian Federation in the Krasnoyarsk region and Khakassia.

"In samples of dumplings and chicken meat, seized in the store, as well as products sampled in the house: broth, seasoning, ketchup, chicken with potatoes, stewed fish, drinking water exceeding the normative values were not detected", - stated in the Telegram-channel of the department.

It is reported that all samples meet the norms of hygienic standards. At the same time, studies on the presence of toxic substances in the products from the family home continue.

The poisoning of the Krasnoyarsk family was reported on September 21. The victims sought medical help with signs of nausea and vomiting. As a result of the incident, four children died: two - on the day of poisoning due to a sharp deterioration of health, the third child died on September 22 (then the corpse of the family's pet cat was found), the fourth - on the 23rd. Their funeral will be held on Monday, September 30.

The adults were in serious condition, they regained consciousness only in the morning of September 23 and were discharged from the hospital on Wednesday, September 25.

A criminal case has been opened under part 3 of article 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Production, storage or sale of goods and products that do not meet safety requirements, causing death by negligence").

The spouses gave testimony to the investigators. In particular, the mother stated that she did not add foreign substances during the preparation of dishes. Employees of the prosecutor's office seized in their house a loose substance of light color and an antibiotic for cattle, stored in the refrigerator. It also later became known that the family's house had been treated with dichlophos on the day of the tragedy.

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