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An accomplice of the preparation of the murder of the Crimean minister was sentenced to 12 years in prison

Фото: ИЗВЕСТИЯ/Алексей Майшев
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A resident of Sovetskiy village in Crimea, who participated in the preparation of a contract killing of the republic's Minister of Resorts and Tourism, has been sentenced to 12 years in prison and a fine. This was reported on September 23 in the Investigative Committee (IC) of Russia.

"He was found guilty by the court of complicity in the preparation of the murder of a person for hire in connection with the exercise of his official activities, as well as the illegal acquisition, transfer, storage, transportation, carrying of firearms, ammunition and explosive devices, committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy", - stated in the message of the Department in Telegram-channel.

The convict is 25 years old, evidence of his involvement in the crime was collected by the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol. The investigation revealed that in the summer of 2022, the man was contacted by a representative of the Ukrainian special services, who planned crimes against high-ranking representatives of the Crimean authorities. He induced the resident of the village Sovetskiy for a fee to cooperate in the preparation and coordination of actions for the murder of the Minister of resorts and tourism. The Crimean resident had to, among other things, provide information on conspiracy and ways to hide for the perpetrator of the crime.

Having received partial payment, the Crimean illegally bought a Glock pistol, ammunition and explosive devices. After that, employees of the regional department of the Federal Security Service of Russia revealed the criminal plan and stopped its realization, having detained the man with the weapon in Feodosia.

The court sentenced the resident of Sovetsky to 12 years of imprisonment, which he will serve in a strict regime colony. In addition, the convict must pay a fine of 350 thousand rubles.

Earlier, September 10, in the head of the Investigative Committee of Russia in Moscow region reported that criminal authority Valery Smirnov, nicknamed Yasny, will stand trial for preparation of contract killings. In 2009-2010, Smirnov and his accomplices killed a man in the Moscow suburbs village of Novy Milet, and then tried to commit a second murder in Balashikha, but were detained by police. The investigation lasted 14 years, because it was hampered by the strict hierarchy of the gang of authority, but eventually law enforcers identified all its participants, some of them have already received sentences of various terms of imprisonment in high-security colonies.

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