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A participant of the program "Time of Heroes" became the first deputy mayor of Stavropol

Фото: «Время героев»
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A participant of the training program for fighters and veterans of the special military operation (SMO) "Time of Heroes" Zaur Gurtsiev became the first deputy head of Stavropol. This was reported on September 23 in the Telegram-channel of the Office of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasus Federal District (NCFD).

"After the first module during the last few weeks, Zaur Gurtsiev underwent an internship, according to the results of which he was appointed to the post of first deputy head of the city of Stavropol", - stated in the message.

Since 2019, Gurtsiev headed the center of combat control (and interaction of aviation with ground forces) of the Army of the Air Force and Air Defense.

In addition, he is a holder of the Order of Courage for leading the air part of the operation to liberate Mariupol, as well as the Order of Military Merit for Avdeevka.

According to Gurtsiev, he studied the work of the municipality, its structure, city committees and city districts.

Earlier, on September 20, a participant of the SWO and the program "Time of Heroes" Captain Alexander Surazov was elected to the post of chairman of the Committee on Physical Culture and Sports of the Altai Republic. Acting head of the region Andrei Turchak emphasized that Surazov's experience will help to solve the tasks.

Before that, on September 17, the Governor of Kursk region Alexei Smirnov appointed a participant of SVO Guards Colonel Alexei Kondratyev as a member of the Federation Council from the executive branch of the region. He is a veteran of combat operations and a participant in the presidential program "Time of Heroes".

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