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Delpal, convicted in the Baring Vostok case, was given a suspended sentence

Фото: ИЗВЕСТИЯ/Зураб Джавахадзе
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French citizen Philippe Delpal, convicted in Russia in the Baring Vostok case, was given a suspended sentence. This was reported by the Izvestiya correspondent from the courtroom on September 23.

Depal himself did not appear at the hearing, as he does not have a Russian visa. He left the territory of the Russian Federation back in 2022.

In August 2021, the Meshchansky court of Moscow sentenced to suspended sentences all seven accused of embezzlement of 2.5 billion rubles of the bank "Vostochny". Michael Calvey, the founder of the Baring Vostok investment fund, received a 5.5-year suspended sentence, while his business partner Philippe Delpal received a 4.5-year suspended sentence.

In June 2023, the Moscow City Court in appeal mitigated the terms of the defendants: in particular, Calvey to 4.5 years, Delpal to 3.5 years.

In July 2024, the Interior Ministry declared the French citizen wanted in Russia. It is not specified under which article of the Criminal Code (CC) of the Russian Federation he is wanted.

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