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Mother of poisoned family in Krasnoyarsk region testifies

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The woman, whose family was poisoned in the Krasnoyarsk region, did not add foreign substances during cooking. This follows from her testimony, which she gave on September 23 to the employees of the Investigative Committee (IC) Department for the region.

According to the woman, on September 19-20, she bought raw chicken, dumplings and seasoning at a local grocery store. On the morning of September 20, she boiled the dumplings, which she, her husband and two children consumed. At lunchtime of the same day, the two children boiled dumplings on their own and also consumed them.

In the evening, the parents ate cooked chicken and potatoes, and the children ate the dumplings. The seasoning was added only when cooking the chicken, she noted.

In the morning of September 21, the children complained of feeling unwell, they began to feel nauseous and stomach pain. Later, signs of intestinal disorder appeared in adults.

The poisoning of a family in the village of Krasnaya Sopka, Krasnoyarsk Krai, was reported on September 21. The victims sought medical help at the hospital with signs of nausea and vomiting. As a result of a sharp deterioration of health, the underage brother and sister died. Later, on September 22, a third child died, and on September 23, a fourth child died. The adults were in serious condition, they regained consciousness only in the morning of September 23.

As reported by the Rosselkhoznadzor department, the store where the poisoned family bought dumplings with chicken, sold products with violations of veterinary requirements. It was specified that the dumplings, in which an unknown toxic substance was found, went on sale twice in August, and the certificates for them were issued only in September. According to Izvestia's source, the family members may have mistakenly consumed the pesticides, confusing them with seasoning.

A criminal case has been opened under part 3 of article 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Production, storage or sale of goods and products that do not meet safety requirements, causing death by negligence"). In the State Investigation Department of the Investigation Committee of Russia for the region said that the mother of the dead children is nine months pregnant.

Later, the father of the family testified to the SK. He said that his wife bought dumplings of a different brand - before that they bought semi-finished products of the same company.

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