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The incidence of acute respiratory viral infections rose by 50% over the week in Transbaikalia

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Over the past week, the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) in the Transbaikal Territory increased by 50%. Specialists expect the peak of morbidity growth by the end of October.

According to Svetlana Lapa, head of the regional department of Rospotrebnadzor, 28 group outbreaks have been registered. There are five schools, one kindergarten, as well as 22 separate classes in schools and nine groups in six preschool institutions. About it reports IA ChitaMedia.

Doctors recommend the residents of Transbaikalia to get vaccinated against influenza as soon as possible to form immunity to the onset of peak incidence.

Since the beginning of September, quarantine has been imposed in school and pre-school educational institutions in seven regions of Russia due to an increase in the incidence of the disease. Most of the institutions were closed in Udmurtia.

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