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Russia's 2030 census will be held digitally

RBC: in 2030, Russia's population census will be conducted digitally
Фото: РИА Новости/Антон Денисов
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The census of the Russian population in 2030 will be conducted entirely in a digital format with reliance on data from the unified population register of the Federal Tax Service. RBC writes about it on Monday, September 23, with reference to the draft strategy for the development of Rosstat and state statistics until 2030.

"The 2030 census should be the first to use administrative data from the unified federal information register of population data (ERN), which is maintained by the Federal Tax Service (FTS). The register data will be used for partial pre-filling of the census questionnaire in electronic form", - the edition quotes the text of the document.

The draft strategy states that the measure will significantly reduce the burden on respondents and reduce the time of data entry. At the same time, by 2030 the number of interviewers during the census will be reduced by half, and more than half of the questions in the questionnaires will already be pre-filled using administrative data, RBC reports.

"In particular, it is expected to gradually move to household surveys using personal offices on digital platforms of the authorities, including the use of the portal of public services," the project notes.

Earlier, on February 20, it was reported that the results of the last census sharply increased the number of Russians who did not answer the question about nationality. Deputy head of the Federal State Statistics Service Sergei Okladnikov said at a meeting of the State Duma Committee on Nationalities that the number of people who ignored this question increased from 5.7 million in 2010 to 16.6 million.

The same number of people - 16.6 million people - did not indicate their native language, although in 2010 there were 4.5 million of them. Okladnikov said that there is a decline in the value of ethnic identity, especially among young people, and "nationality as a concept is not used in everyday life."

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