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Russian embassy recommends refraining from traveling to Bolivia due to protests

Фото: REUTERS/Claudia Morales
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The Russian Embassy in Bolivia on September 23 warned tourists against visiting the South American country because of the ongoing protests.

"In connection with the aggravation of the internal political situation in Bolivia, we recommend Russian tourists to refrain from traveling to the country until the situation is stabilized," the diplomatic mission's website - reads the website of the diplomatic mission.

A week ago, former Bolivian President Evo Morales led a march of thousands to protest against the policies of current head of state Luis Arce. Arce, in turn, accused his predecessor of preparing a coup d'état and seeking to return to power illegally.

In connection with the protests in the country there are clashes between supporters of politicians. Counter-protesters are trying to stop the march with stones and tear gas. About 40 people have been injured in the clashes, The Guardian reported on September 22.

On June 26, Bolivian President Luis Arce announced the threat of a coup d'état in the country. Bolivian television published footage showing an APC ramming the gates of the main entrance to the presidential palace in La Paz. The Bolivian leader warned that there was an "irregular" deployment of troops in the capital. Arce later appealed to the country's people and world organizations to defend democracy and resist the attempted coup d'état.

At least nine people were injured as a result of the events. The coup attempt ended with the arrest of former Bolivian army commander General Juan Jose Zúñiga and his accomplices - Vice Admiral Juan Arnes Salvador and Air Force General Marcelo Javier Segarra.

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