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Analyst Montes pointed to Argentina's isolation from 80% of the world without joining BRICS

Analyst Montes: Argentina has cut itself off from 80% of the world by betting on the US and EU
Фото: ТАСС/Бизнес Online/Cергей Елагин
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Argentina, refusing to join BRICS and betting on the US and the EU, has cut itself off from 80% of the world and lost many opportunities. International analyst Marcelo Montes said on Sunday, September 22.

"If Argentina had been part of BRICS, it might have had more opportunities to negotiate with the IMF, because China and Russia are part of the IMF and they have a more flexible position towards developing countries, unlike the US, which imposes many conditions and demands," the analyst told RIA Novosti.

He emphasized that BRICS would improve the Latin American country's financial and trade opportunities, for example, helping to finance its government debt.

Montes pointed out that by choosing a foreign policy vector directed toward the US and the EU, Argentina sees only a small part of the world and about 80% of countries remain out of the focus of its attention. The world has become multipolar and Washington has lost its hegemony in it, which it enjoyed, for example, in the late 1990s. The US influence in the world began to weaken after 2006, when its failure in the policy on Iraq and Afghanistan became noticeable. Now, according to the expert, the world power is divided, and the distribution of forces is best reflected by the BRICS, and the U.S. will not give Argentina anything.

Earlier, on February 15, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said that Moscow had received an official message from Buenos Aires that the Latin American country was refusing to join BRICS. Ryabkov pointed out that the invitation to join the association, which was sent to Argentina, has not been withdrawn and remains in force.

On April 18, Argentine Defense Minister Luis Petri said that Argentina would like to become a global partner of NATO. The head of the republic's defense ministry noted that Buenos Aires would like to modernize and train its forces according to the alliance's standards.

Ryabkov on the same day expressed regret over this desire of Argentina and noted that rapprochement with NATO would not improve the country's security. The deputy foreign minister reminded that the policy of the bloc's expansion is ill-considered and irresponsible, and that each country should assess what the alliance is all about.

BRICS is an interstate association of countries. The last summit at the level of heads of its member states was held in Johannesburg in August 2023. Following its results, the BRICS members decided on a historic expansion. On January 1, 2024, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa were joined by Egypt, Iran, Ethiopia and the UAE. Russia will chair the organization in 2024.

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