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A foreign car with teenagers went off the highway and overturned in Buryatia

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In Buryatia, five teenagers were injured in a traffic accident in the Ivolginsky district. As reported in the Main Department (DGU) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic, one of the minors was driving a foreign car.

The accident occurred in the evening of September 21. As noted, at the wheel of the Toyota Allion was a 17-year-old young man without a driver's license.

"At 16 kilometers from the village of Sotnikovo [the driver] failed to cope with the management and made an exit from the road with subsequent overturning", - stated in the Telegram-channel of the Main Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

As a result of the accident, the driver and four passengers of his car were injured. As noted in the department, they are all from 16 to 17 years old. The victims were taken to the hospital with injuries of varying severity. Information about their condition is currently being clarified.

Earlier in the day it was reported that in Barnaul a drunken man rammed eight cars in the parking lot. As noted, a 27-year-old driver, not having the right to drive a vehicle, driving a Lexus RX300, allowed a collision with eight cars standing in the parking lot. Police officers drew up administrative materials against the driver for driving under the influence of intoxicants (part 3 of article 12.8 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation).

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