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In Moscow, police detained men with gold bars worth more than 18.5 mln

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Two men were detained in Moscow, who were transporting gold bars worth over 18.5 million rubles. This was reported by the prosecutor's office of the capital on September 21.

"Illegal trafficking of precious metals worth over 18.5 million rubles has been suppressed," - informed the press service in the Telegram-channel of the department.

It is reported that law enforcement officers on the street Simonovsky Val was stopped "Gazelle". In the car were two men 48 and 36 years old, who voluntarily gave the police a bag with five artisanal ingots.

The seized samples were sent for examination, where it turned out that one of the ingots is an alloy based on gold, silver, zinc and copper, the rest - two-component alloys of gold and copper.

"The total mass of chemically pure precious metals in the composition: chemically pure gold - not less than 2.5 kg, chemically pure silver - not less than 41 grams", - specified the Prosecutor's office of Moscow.

The agency noted that on this incident was initiated a criminal case under part 5 of article 191 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (illegal storage, transportation or forwarding of precious metals in violation of the rules established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, in large quantities, by an organized criminal group).

Earlier, August 26, in the Pskov region, the Federal Customs Service (FCS) stopped the illegal import of gold worth 90 million rubles. It is reported that a 58-year-old resident of Germany tried to smuggle gold bars. The man indicated only the vehicle in the customs declaration.

August 9, it was reported that officers of the border department of the FSB stopped the smuggling of 4 kg of gold from the Trans-Baikal Territory to China. The cargo was discovered during inspection at the railroad checkpoint "Zabaikalsk". Two rolls with gold were found in a gondola car under coal. A criminal case was initiated under the article "Smuggling of strategically important goods and resources".

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